Continue reading after watching video. Otherwise the following may not make much sense.
The Holographic theory is one that becomes even more interesting when you know a rather interesting trait of how common holographic film actually works.
When you see a hologram (much like the Tupac hologram at Coachella this past year which was rad) the three dimensional illusion is created when a laser passes through a 2d sheet of holographic film. Unlike normal film used in a camera, the information stored on a sheet of holographic film does not contain a visible 2d representation of what the 3d hologram would look like, rather it has what can best be described as an interference wave pattern (it looks like ripples on water), that when a laser passes through it, the light from the laser is reconfigured on the other side as a three dimensional hologram. That in itself is pretty cool. Now here is when it gets strange.
If you were to cut a piece of holographic film, and project a laser through either one of the half sheets, you would get the same 3d hologram that you got when the piece of film was fully intact. Halve the two pieces again, and now you have 4 pieces of film capable of projecting the original 3d hologram. Cut them again and you have 8 clones of the original, 16, 32, etc. The interference pattern is essentially a fractal code, embedded at all scales with the exact information. No matter what you do to the holographic film, the same information is present at every point on the sheet. Pretty crazy!
So what does this mean for the universe and reality. Beyond theorizing that the universe may be constructed in a similar fashion (much like as is described in the video), it may also be the case that our brains have a holographic logic to them as well. This theory has been tested through an experimentation on the memory of mice.
In an attempt to isolate the location of where memory was stored in the brains of mice, biologist Karl Lashley removed portions of the brains of mice that he had trained to run through a maze (not cool for the mice by the way). He found that even though removing portions of the brain inhibited certain physiological functions of the mice, they still would retain the memory of how to run the maze. This baffled Lashley since he assumed that memory was located in specific regions of the brain. It wasn't until later when he came across an article describing the construction of a laser hologram that he made the connection and theorized that the mice brains operated in the same way as the holographic film I was previously describing. Memory, like the image on a piece of holographic film, was stored in interference patterns at essentially every location in the brain, and it could not be isolated to one specific region. This theory gained support from anatomist Paul Pietsch who initially set out to disprove Lashley's claims. He performed thousands of test on salamanders exploring the same uniform distribution of memory, and came to the same conclusion as Lashley. The mind perceives and stores information by encoding and decoding complex interference patterns.
To tie this entire entry back to some previously discussed material on this blog (see the Get Your Brain Into a Computer post from September), a brain with a holographic logic has many connections to the research that is being done on the connectome. If the Human Connectome Project is succesful in digitally replicating a human connectome into a computer, it would confirm that memory and conciousness is something that can exist as a virtual entity of pure information, much like the holographic brain model. It's some heavy stuff.
Now of course, the holographic universe is one of many theories speculating on the universe being a simulation/video game/the Matrix. The interesting thing about the holographic theory however, is that in a sense it can be tested. I will leave you with two things to ponder.
Somehow each particle always seems to know what the other is doing. The problem with this feat is that it violates Einstein's long-held tenet that no communication can travel faster than the speed of light. Since traveling faster than the speed of light is tantamount to breaking the time barrier.
Sound like anything else?
Check out this clip from a Through the Wormhole episode discussing the Double Slit Experiment.
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